We encourage trekking & camping in local, community-based eco-tourism sites such as the Tesfa community in Lalibela and the Adaba-Dodola region.

These kinds of local projects help in contributing to poverty reduction by generating alternative income and local employment for the local population.

Moreover, this helps to add value to forest conservation efforts, to maintain the cultures of local communities, and to increase people’s awareness of the importance of the forest resources.


Ethiopian Wolves
Gelada Baboon
Walia Ibex

Trekking in Simien Mountains

Situated about 100kms north of Gondar the Semein Mountains is one of Africa’s largest ranges studded with at least a dozen peaks topping the 4,000m (13,000ft) mark, and hence Ethiopia is also called the “Roof of Africa”. This includes Ras Dashen (Dejen) the highest peak in Ethiopia and the fourth highest in Africa. The western side of the range, excluding Ras Dashen, was designated as the Simien Mountains National Park in 1969 and the entire range was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

The mountain range’s impressive scenery, its series of dramatic cliffs and escarpments, the beautiful alpine meadows and rugged wilderness of the high peak areas make Simien a remarkable area for trekking. The unique geological feature of Simien is described by Rosita Forbes, who traveled there in 1925 as “The most marvelous of all Abyssinian landscapes….”

Habitats include Afro Alpine and three of Ethiopia’s endemic large mammals: Walia Ibex, Gelada Baboons and Ethiopian Wolf are resident in the Simiens. It is also known for varieties of bird species including lammergeyer (bone breaker).


Danakil Depression

Danakil Depression is one of the remotest spots in the world and the lowest part in a unique land formation, the Great Rift Valley system. This part of the earth is still unstable and is pulling each side to the opposite side.

Erta Ale
Erta Ale is one of the few volcanoes in the world that have an almost persistent lava lake; it is an isolated basaltic shield volcano, 50 km wide, rising more than 600 meter from below sea level. Absolutely unique Lava lake erupting all the time in the world, it is around crater because it is inside the rift valley system the earth still is not stable, not only for adventure trip or to see it is also the best place for study for Volcano. Still the science is not reach why and when the volcano is happening and how to save lives of many people death because of the Volcano and Earth movement.

Erta Ale means Smoking Mountain by Afar Language. At night when you walk to the volcanic hill Erta Ale 613 high you will see light from farther the at the sky walk over amazing extensive dry lava unusual topography.

Dallol is 100 km from North West of Erta ale the lowest part of Danakil Depression 116 below sea level extremely hottest and inhospitable place but enjoyable and extraordinary colorful landscape; nearby travelers can visit Lake Asale, which is a famous salt mining lake. This precious stone salt or Amole was once used as a currency in Ethiopia. Today, hundreds of camel caravans can be found on the road daily (with the exception of Fridays and during the hottest months from March- September) transporting this salt to the north western highlands of Ethiopia. In this region, the climate varies from around 250 C (770 F) during the rainy season to 480 C (1180 C) during the dry season (March- August). Amazingly, it is one of the hottest places year round anywhere on Earth. Only the Awash River flows into the depression, where it ends in a chain of lakes that increase in salinity.

Dallol is a field of phreatic craters in the barren salt plain NNE of the Erta Ale Range in one of the lowest (and hottest) areas of the desolate Danakil depression. The Dallol craters are the Earth’s lowest known subaerial volcanic vents. The most recent of these craters, Dallol, was formed during an eruption in 1926. Colorful hot brine springs and fumarolic deposits are found in the Dallol area. This area is special because it is one of the lowest points on earth not covered by water. There are hot yellow sulfur fields among the sparkling white salt beds. Heat isn’t the only thing people feel in the Dallol Depression. Alarming earth tremors are frequently felt. There are also several active volcanoes.

So just how hot is it at the Dallol Depression?
Weather wise, the hottest places on earth are the Dallol Depression in Ethiopia and Death Valley in California. Temperatures can reach as high as 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63 degrees Celsius) in the sun, and top 93° Fahrenheit (34° Celsius) every day of the year. In the summer, not a single day dips below 104° Fahrenheit (40° Celsius). Dalol holds the record for the highest average annual temperature.

Danakil and the Afar people
This inhospitable land has been home to the Afar (Danakil) people for at least two thousand years. Afar men were renowned for their ferocity and xenophobia as recently as the 1930s until which time loping off the testicles of male intruders was customary! Traditionally the Afar are nomadic pastoralists and, together with the Tigrians, are still involved in mining salt bars from the lake in the Dallol depression and carrying them by camel caravan up to Tigray, along age old routes.

This is an adventurous trip, not for the fainthearted and those needing luxury of any kind. The unrelenting climate can have an enervating effect unless you are well prepared for the temperatures. This is a demanding trip in an area with little infrastructure. In fact Dallol, is one of the least accessible destinations on the planet. In many areas there are rough and sealed roads, and camel caravans are the only way to travel. Despite the harsh conditions, the Dalol Depression is a truly extraordinary place to visit with superb scenery, a fantastic experience for the adventurous traveler. Moreover, they are unique to Ethiopia, as they are not found anywhere else.


Explore the Ethiopian Highlands

Transport: Flight/surface/walk
Trekking Duration: 7 Days/ 7 Nights
Total Duration: 10 days/ 9 Nights
Maximum of 6 persons only (unless joining visitors are families). We have 3 rooms in the trekking sites with two beds each; one king size and one single. Camping is possible.

Customize: This outlined itinerary can be tailored to meet your needs, timeframe, budget or special interest.

As you trek to the more flat areas, this itinerary is designed for average trekkers or walkers. This program can be tailored to families with children and older guests who are relatively active. However every visitor will enjoy trekking through this outlined program, walking 5 to 8 hours a day on average. While trekking there, you will experience some of the most
stunning landscapes of the Ethiopian highlands. You will meet and interact with locals in the communities, in addition to seeing the rich fauna and flora life of the areas.

This Tesfa Community Trekking tour is organized by EthioLife Tour and Travel. Tours in Wollo area are offered in collaboration with Tesfa Community Tourism Guiding Enterprise and the local community. Please note that a visit to the marvelous rock-hewn churches of Lalibela is included in this itinerary.

Day 1: Arrival and Addis Ababa
Day 2: Fly Lalibela and drive to Mequat Maryam
Day 3: Mequat to Wajela
Day 4: Wajela to Aterow
Day 5: Aterow to Yedikulay
Day 6: Aterow to Boya
Day 7: Boya to Aynamba
Day 8: Aynamba to Kirtan Washa
Day 9: Kirtan Washa to Lalibela
Day 10: Flight to Addis and Departure


Coming Soon


Trekking in Bale Mountains

Bale Mountains are of a relatively ancient volcanic origin having formed from solidified lava more than 10 millions years ago. The national park protects the higher reaches of the Bale range including Mount Tullu Demtu, which at 4377m (14360) is the second highest point in Ethiopia.

Bale Mountains National Park is an area of high altitude plateau that is broken by numerous spectacular volcanic plugs and peaks, beautiful alpine lakes, and rushing mountain streams that descend in to deep rocky gorges on their way to the lowlands below. As you ascend into the mountains you will experience changes in the vegetation with altitude, from juniper to heather moorlands and alpine meadows, which at various times of year exhibit an abundance of colorful wildflowers.

Bale Mountains National Park is the largest area of Afro-Alpine habitat in the whole of the continent. It gives you opportunities for unsurpassed mountain walking, horse trekking, scenic driving and easy opportunities of exploring of Ethiopia’s endemic mammals, birds and plants

Trekking and Camping:

Part of the park can be explored by driving. A more satisfactory way to explore the park is by foot or mule organized from Dinsho Park Headquarters. The park’s main attractions include wild alpine scenery, various species of Fauna and flora. The relative ease with which one can explore many endemic species of birds and big mammals such as Ethiopian Wolves and mountain Nyala makes Bale one of our popular destinations for hikers and trekkers.

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